Business article
Geoff Eiten The form of the seller's organization, for example C Corp, S Corp, or LLC are important to consider in a business sale. In a C Corp vs. an S Corp and LLC, the gains are subject to double taxation. In a C Corp sale the gain from the sale of assets is taxed at the corporate income tax rate. The remaining proceeds are distributed to the shareholders and the difference between the liquidation proceeds and the stockholder stock basis are taxed at the individual's long-term capital gains rate.
Geoffrey Eiten Research thoroughly all the various many small financing business financing resources available for almost any situation. Make sure you check out all of your options to see which resource will work best for your business needs.
There are small business financing resources to help you start your business but if you don't know where to go start here with these resources.
Government Small Business Loans - Visit or call your local business library or government agency. You can apply on a local, state, and federal level to get the money you need to commence and grow your business.
Geoffrey Eiten site To successfully sell a business requires a lot of preparation, attention to detail and organization. Most sellers badly underestimate both what needs to be done and what to do if a buyer comes along. A good rule of thumb is that it takes 10 buyer inquiries to reach a potential and qualified buyer. There is not a shortage of buyers; there is a shortage of qualified and motivated buyers so if you find one; you need to have you're "A" game ready.
Geoff Eiten contact, Geoffrey Eiten bio Today commerce includes a complex system of companies that try to maximize their profits by offering products and services to the market (which consists both of individuals and other companies) at the lowest production-cost. There exists a system of International trade, which some argue has gone too far.
Geoffrey Eiten article.